2024 Department Resolutions
- Resolution 24-1 Appreciation to Genesee County Convention Corporation
- Resolution 24-2 Claims Filed by Accredited Service Officers
- Resolution 24-3 Rescinding of Insurance Requirements
- Resolution 24-4 Creation of a Skilled Trades Scholarship
- Resolution 24-5 Modify Requirements for Eagle Scout Award
- Resolution 24-6 Emblem Banner at Department Meetings
- Resolution 24-7 Memorial to Charles Shackelford
- Resolution 24-8 Memorial to Catherine Buckley
- Resolution 24-9 Memorial to PDC Richard Chatman
- Resolution 24-10 Amusement Devices - HB 5227
- Resolution 24-11 Support Expansion of Charity Gaming
- Resolution 24-12 Support Funding to Reimburse Local Units of Government
- Resolution 24-13 Support Passing The “PFAS ACT”
- Resolution 24-14 Ensuring Attendance at District Meetings
- Resolution 24-16 Appreciation to the U.P. Convention Corp
- Resolution 24-17 Change Leadership Sub Committee to a Standing Committee
- Resolution 24-18 Green Alerts for Veterans
- Resolution 24-19 Increase of National Dues
- Resolution 24-20 Change verbiage for committees and zones
- Resolution 24-21 Emblem banner at Legion conferences
- Resolution 24-22 Redirect Adult Oratorical contest
- Resolution 24-23 New CPR requirements for Posts to receive cards
- Resolution 24-24 Endorse Larry C Money for NVC
- Resolution 24-25 Create Department Americanism Commission
- Resolution 24-26 Background and Check checks for Elected Officers
- Resolution 24-27 Background and Check checks for Candidates for elected Office
- Resolution 24-29 Memorial to John Bradford
- Resolution 24-30 Memorial to Skipper Townes
- Resolution 24-31 Memorial to Clifford Rose
- Resolution 24-32 Appreciation to 20 North Convention Corporation
- Resolution 24-33 Memorial to Elmer White
- Resolution 24-34 Memorial to Vernon 'Butch' Noel
- Resolution 24-35 Memorial to PDC Roger Webster
- Resolution 24-36 Memorial to Dan Osborne
2023 Department Resolutions
- Resolution 23-1 Appreciation to Lansing Convention Corporation
- Resolution 23-2 Per Diem and Travel Cost for National Convention
- Resolution 23-3 Make the Veterans Education & Employment a
Subcommittee of the VA & R - Resolution 23-4 Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments
- Resolution 23-5 Move the 2nd District from Zone 2 to Zone 1
- Resolution 23-6 Make American Legion Riders a Full Standing Committee
- Resolution 23-7 Make Leadership Development a Full Standing Committee
- Resolution 23-8 Change Department Historian an Appointed Position
- Resolution 23-9 Memorial to Raymond Moore
- Resolution 23-10 Memorial to Joe Duby
- Resolution 23-15 Memorial to Appreciation to the Convention Committee
- Resolution 23-16 Adult Oratorical Contest
- Resolution 23-17 Lifetime Michigan Parks Access
- Resolution 23-18 Approval of Wording and Insignia
- Resolution 23-19 Eliminate Printing of Michigan Legionnaire
- Resolution 23-20 Memorial to Betty Arnold
- Resolution 23-21 Memorial to O. Keith Gardner
- Resolution 23-22 Memorial to Lester Raymond McWilliams
- Resolution 23-23 New Membership Positions
- Resolution 23-24 Memorial to Jim Pardo
- Resolution 23-25 Memorial to John VanMaele
- Resolution 23-26 Artificial Intelligence
- Resolution 23-27 Eagle Scout Award
- Resolution 23-28 Memorial to Ernest Berry
- Resolution 23-29 Memorial to Michael Bruntjens
- Resolution 23-30 Memorial to Frank Flores
- Resolution 23-31 Memorial to Support Military Modernization
- Resolution 23 - 33 Appreciation to Convention Corp
- Resolution 23 - 34 Rescind Baseball resolution 7-09-C
- Resolution 23 - 35 Increase National Per Capita Dues
- Resolution 23 -36 Modification of Public Act 214 of 1899
- Resolution 23 - 37 Memorial to Donald Shanley
2022 Department Resolutions
- Resolution 22-1 Appreciation to Lansing Convention Corporation
- Resolution 22-2 Eliminate POW/MIA SubCommittee
- Resolution 22-3 Rename Depart H2H SubComm to Eddie Brown H2H
- Resolution 22-4 Change Name and Classification of Class AA and A
- Resolution 22-5 Authorize Amending Constitution Article XII, Section 2
- Resolution 22-6 Memorial to George Bolinger
- Resolution 22-7 Memorial to Jennifer Smith
- Resolution 22-8 Memorial to William Hilgris
- Resolution 22-9 Memorial to James Topps
- Resolution 22-10 Memorial to Eddie Brown
- Resolution 22-11 Memorial to Warren Stensrud
- Resolution 22-12 Memorial to Gary Wear
- Resolution 22-13 Memorial to Richard Parks
- Resolution 22-14 Memorial to Rodney Galbraith
- Resolution 22-15 Adopt Policy for TFA Grants and SOP
- Resolution 22-16 Memorial to James Pini
- Resolution 22-18 Appreciation to the Grand Rapids Convention Corporation
- Resolution 22-19 Amendment to the 1978 Michigan Vietnam Veteran Era Bonus Act
- Resolution 22-20 Add One (1) SAL Member to Department Legion Riders Subcommittee
- Resolution 22-21 Add One (1) Auxiliary Member to Department Legion Riders Subcommittee
- Resolution 22-22 Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments (HBOT) for Veterans
- Resolution 22-23 Request the Funding to Build Three (3) More State Veteran Homes
- Resolution 22-24 Placement of New Veteran Cemeteries With Priority Given to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
- Resolution 22-25 Extend Dates of Eligibility for the Vietnam Era Bonus
- Resolution 22-26 Request Burial Allowance for Veterans Who Die at Home
- Resolution 22-27 Fix Issues in the Property Tax Exemption
- Resolution 22-28 The Naming of CBOC in Indian River, MI, After PFC Justin Travis Paton
- Resolution 22-29 Naming the Post Office in Wolverine, MI in Honor of Stanley Kenneth Sloan
- Resolution 22-30 Support Funding for Suicide by Firearm Prevention
- Resolution 22-31 Memorial to Henry Altman
- Resolution 22-32 Memorial to Donald Hatfield
- Resolution 22-33 Change Name and Classification of Class AA and Class A Baseball
- Resolution 22-34 Appreciation to the Conference Corporation
- Resolution 22-35 Standardize All Rules of Procedures into One Document
- Resolution 22-36 Support full funding of All Branches of the Military, National Guard & Reserves
- Resolution 22-37 Memorial to William Kaledas
- Resolution 22-38 Establish an Annual Award for Service Members in Michigan
- Resolution 22-39 Rollover State Funding for VSO Programs
- Resolution 22-40 Veteran Cemeteries Study by Michigan MVAA
- Resolution 22-41 Background Checks for DEC members and Chairmen, candidates for offices & appointments
2021 Department Resolutions
- Resolution 21-1 Creation of Department First and Second Vice Commander
- Resolution 21-2 Zone Commanders Reserve Fund
- Resolution 21-3 District Commanders Reserve Fund
- Resolution 21-4 Update Rules of Procedure for Department Convention
- Resolution 21-5 2021 Dues Rebate
- Resolution 21-6 Add wording to Membership Application about Sex Offender
- Resolution 21-7 Memorial to George Dolan
- Resolution 21-8 Memorial to Norman Woodley
- Resolution 21-9 Memorial to Wayne Roy
- Resolution 21-10 Authorization for 2021Virtual Convention
- Resolution 21-11 Add District 1st Vice or Sr. Vice to Membership Committee
- Resolution 21-12 Make Post Development a Sub Committee of Membership
- Resolution 21-13 Merge or Patriot Fund into Michigan and Returning Warrior Fund
- Resolution 21-14 Request for the State of Michigan to start a new phase of Veteran Homes
- Resolution 21-15 Combining the Michigan Wounded & Returning Warrior Program and Patriot Fund
- Resolution 21-16 Appreciation to the U.P. Convention Corporation
- Resolution 21-17 Naming of Gaylord V.A. CBOC
- Resolution 21-18 Endorsement of Brett E. Holt for National Commander
- Resolution 21-19 Amendment to the Department Constitution, Article VII, Section 10
- Resolution 21-20 Insurance Requirements
- Resolution 21-21 Hire a Non-Profit Attorney for the Michigan Foundation
- Resolution 21-22 Memorial to Darwin Krieger
- Resolution 21-23 Memorial to Donald Connor
- Resolution 21-24 Memorial to Alton Ford
- Resolution 21-25 Appreciation to the Conference Corporation
- Resolution 21-26 Memorial to Jack Koivisto
- Resolution 21-27 Memorial to Edward Gorecki
- Resolution 21-28 Memorial to John Skinner
- Resolution 21-29 Change name of Department Membership Committee
- Resolution 21-30 Memorial to Cliff Mann
2020 Department Resolutions
- Resolution 20-1 Appreciation to the Genesee County Convention Corporation
- Resolution 20-2 Memorial to James Maki
- Resolution 20-3 Memorial to Dorothy Koi
- Resolution 20-4 Memorial to Stephen J. German
- Resolution 20-5 Make the Post Development Committee a Subcommittee of the Membership Committee
- Resolution 20-6 Request the State of Michigan Legislature approve the funding to build two more State Veteran Homes
- Resolution 20-7 Emergency bylaws shall remain in effect until 60 days after Governor Whitmer lifts the emergency conditions of Executive Orders 2020-4 and 2020-21.
- Resolution 20-7w Amendment to the Department Bylaws Article VIII Section 1: Reports
- Resolution 20-8 Department Executive Committee hereby approves the creation of Department of Michigan Emergency Bylaws
- Resolution 20-9 Cancellation of 2020 American Legion Convention in Kalamazoo, Michigan
- Resolution 20-10 Naming the VA Ann Arbor Medical Center after Medal of Honor Recipient Lt. Col. Charles S. Kettles
- Resolution 20-11Approval of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Michigan’s Request to Place a Time Capsule on Department Property
- Resolution 20-12 Authorize Department to Create a Website to Allow Veterans to Sign Up for the Department Post 225
- Resolution 20-13 Cancellation of 2020-2021 In-Person Department Meetings
- Resolution 20-14 Memorial to George Harvey
2019 Department Fall Conference Resolutions
- Resolution No. 29 - Appreciation to the Genessee County Convention Corporation
- Resolution No. 30 - Creation of a Department First and Second Vice Commander
- Resolution No. 31 - Support for funding for DOD STARBASE Program
- Resolution No. 32 - Memorial to Doug Williams
- Resolution No. 33 - Memorial to Michael Williams
2019 Department Annual Convention Resolutions
- Resolution No. 21 - Memorial to Andrew Knapp, Jr.
- Resolution No. 20 - Appreciation to the Grand Rapids Convention Corporation
- Resolution No. 22 - Changes to American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Requirements
- Resolution No. 23 - Support for Senate Bill 760
- Resolution No. 25 - Antidepressant Harms Analysis & Antidepressant Role in Veteran Suicide
- Resolution No. 26 - Antidepressant Harms Analysis & Antidepressant Role in Veteran Suicide
- Resolution No. 27 - Separate the Department Constitution and Bylaws
- Resolution No. 28 - Merge the 1st District with the 17th District
2019 Department Winter Meeting Resolutions
- Resolution No. 9 - Appreciation to Genesse County Convention Corporation
- Resolution No. 10 - Update Ceremony Wording of the POW/MIA Empty Chair
- Resolution No. 11 - Authorization of DMS Member transfer with Contract
- Resolution No. 12 - Update rules of procedure for the department of Michigan convention
- Resolution No. 13 - Allow smoking on Veteran Home Campuses
- Resolution No. 14 - Memorial to Stephen Kintz
- Resolution No. 15 - Memorial to Mickie Kwasek
- Resolution No. 16 - Memorial to Gary Gross
- Resolution No. 17 - Memorial to Joseph Rubino
- Resolution No. 18 - Memorial to James Hopson
- Resolution No. 19 - Memorial to Gary Sammons
2018 Department Fall Conference Resolutions
- Resolution No. 1 - Shorten Department Convention
- Resolution No. 2 - Al Ford Award
- Resolution No. 3 - Appreciation to Post 9
- Resolution No. 4 - Memorial to Lannie Thomas
- Resolution No. 5 - Memorial to David Wells
- Resolution No. 6 - Memorial to Donald Hudon
- Resolution No. 7 - Memorial to Janice Roy
- Resolution No. 8 - Michigan American Legion Riders
2018 Annual Convention Resolutions
- Resolution 18-C-1 Appreciation to Convention Corporation
- Resolution 18-C-2 Memorial to Harold Karcher
- Resolution 18-C-3 Memorial to William Acton
- Resolution 18-C-4 Increase Mileage Reimbursement
- Resolution 18-C-5 Increase Per Diem for Volunteers
- Resolution 18-C-6 Funding of Fall and Winter Conferences
- Resolution 18-C-7 Legion National DMS
- Resolution 18-C-8 Transfer 3rd Zone to 1st Zone
- Resolution 18-C-9 Merge the 1st and 17th Districts
- Resolution 18-C-10 Recognition of Korean "Unknown War"
- Resolution 18-C-11 Amendment to Wilwin Bylaws
- Resolution 18-C-12 Need for Wilwin Camp Manager
- Resolution 18-C-13 VA&R Service Officer at District Meeting
- Resolution 18-C-14 Memorial to Lewis Davis
- Resolution 18-C-15 Future Technology Voting
- Resolution 18-C-16 Appointment of Steve German Emeritus
2018 Winter Meeting
- Resolution 18-W-1 Allow Parade or Awareness Walk at Convention
- Resolution 18-W-2 Memorial of Edward Rushlow
- Resolution 18-W-3 Memorial to Terry Niles
- Resolution 18-W-4 Opposition to HB 5456
- Resolution 18-W-5 Department Bylaw Amendment
- Resolution 18-W-6 Policies and Procedures for Department Staff
- Resolution 18-W-7 Remove Michigan Leadership Committee