The Department Annual Convention is the annual meeting of the membership. Constitution and By-law changes are proposed and voted on. Awards are given out to teachers, police, firefighter, winners of programs, and Legionnaires for various accomplishments. The delegates present hear the reports of officers from the previous membership year and elect new officers for the coming membership year.
The annual convention is generally held on the last full weekend of June. Standing committees called into convention hold their meetings on Thursday, and the last Department Executive Committee meeting is held.
Who can attend the Annual Convention?
The convention is open to all Legionnaires. In order to vote on any of the motions that are presented, the Legionnaire must be a delegate from their post and district.
In March or April each year, all post adjutants are sent forms letting them know how many delegates they are authorized and are asked to list those on the form. Legionnaires speak to your post about being a delegate and let your district commander know so you can be assigned a committee to attend at the convention committees.
What happens at the convention?
Convention committees, district caucuses, and zone caucuses are held on Friday mornings. The convention officially opens Friday afternoon at a determined time.(Usually about 2 or 3 p.m.)
On Saturday of the convention, the session opens in the morning for speeches, reports, and information. Saturday afternoons are for social events and sometimes a parade.
On Sunday, reports are finished, and the election of officers is held. At the close of convention, the newly elected commander and department executive committee meeting for the first time to conduct some business.
See the calendar for dates of future conventions.