Chairman Roger Avie - Post 390, District 1, Zone 1
David Buist - Post 127, District 4, Zone 2
James Wallace- Post 419, District 6, Zone 3
Mike Pergande - Post 18, District 10, Zone 4
Ray Carlson - Post 44, District 12, Zone 5
Steve Striggow - Post 149, District 18, Zone 3
Brian Mohlman - Post 257, District 3, Zone 2
Ex-Officio Members Department with Vote:
Commander Dan Cooper
Finance Officer Leo Cowdry
Director, V.A.&R - Gary Easterling
Department Adjutant - voice without vote - Ronald Runyan
Finance/Personnel Rules of procedure
The purpose:
"All funds received from any source from the Department of Michigan, including any board or committee created and/or appointed by The American Legion, Department of Michigan, shall be under the possession, control and supervision of the Finance/Per-sonnel Committee and said committee shall be charged with the duty of setting up a proper and adequate system of centralized control and procuring audits of such funds." (Article V, Section 4 (c) The American Legion, Department of Michigan By-Laws, Rev July 20, 1975) "The Finance/Personnel Committee shall be charged with the preparation of a yearly budget and financial policy of the Department, the handling of funds under the budget, and approval of expenditures of all Department funds not budgeted, and preparation and approval of the audit of books and records of the Department and other additional audits, as often in addition thereto as it may deem expedient. It shall file a written report, including the official audit with the annual convention, setting forth in detail the financial recommendations, as it considers advisable." (Article V, Section 4 (d) The American Legion, Department of Michigan Constitution and By-Laws, Rev July 20, 1975; July 13, 1986)
“The Finance/Personnel Committee shall be charged with the duty of reviewing the Department of Michigan membership dues rate on a three (3) year basis and make any recommendations on those necessary changes to maintain the Department financial integrity.”
"The Finance/Personnel Committee shall be charged with the duty of fixing the amount of and providing a proper and adequate bond for the Department Adjutant and Finance Officer and all other Department officials and employees who handle Department funds in a surety company or companies approved by the National Adjutant. The expense of all bonds provided for herein shall be borne by the Department. The Finance/Personnel Committee shall also be responsible for the investing of all trust funds, expecting those funds left in trust for purposes of the authorized subsidiary corporation of Article IV, Section 1 (h)." (Article V, Section 4 (e) The American Legion, Department of Michigan Constitution and By-Laws, Rev July 20, 1975; July 13, 1986)
The Finance/Personnel Committee shall be charged with the duty of setting forth the employees rules and regulations for all employees of The American Legion, Department of Michigan. The Department Adjutant shall promulgate such employee rules and make any decisions necessary to further define and carry out the intent of said rules and regulations.